I have an ongoing project where I expose a roll of film in the studio with a model, rewind the film and re-expose it outdoors. In this case, in a forested ravine near my home. I had a roll of Kodacolor X from my wife's aunt's estate. The film had an expiry date of Jan 1976 on it. It had not be stored well. The C-22 process this film required was discontinued in 1974. I developed the film in Ilfosol3, 1:14, 20C for 10 minutes. As you can see from these images, there had been a lot of light leaks along the edges of the roll, not surprising given it was not in the light proof wrapper for many years. The double exposure effect shows up in some of the frames better than in other frames. The images of J are often too faded but one or two frames on the roll are pretty clear. I think I should probably have over exposed the film by a stop or even two and things would have turned out a bit better.