Part of an ongoing project where I double expose a roll of film with one of my vintage cameras, once with a model (in this case Rae) then after rewinding the film I take it for a walk in a forest or the beach. (sometimes I do this in the other order, there is no magic to it).
Here I used my Rolleiflex TLR and a roll of expired (2012) FujiChrome. I had a lovely session in my make-shift studio with Rae then after rewinding the film I took a stroll through our local ravine to take the second exposures.
I cross-processed the FujiChrome as though it was regular B&W film with Ilfosol3 (1:14, 9 minutes, 20C). Scanned with a Nikon Coolscan 9000. The negative is very dense and did not scan well. I think I underexposed the images too much and did not develop the film long enough. Also, the second exposure of the forest was definitely too underexposed, you can only barely make it out in some of the images.