A confluence of accidents. I ran into Colleen in Toronto's Kensington Market area one day while I was exploring that part of the city. This was a happy accident. I had a roll of Ektar 100 in my just new-to-me Fujica ST 701. I was delighted to have a subject to photograph rather than just streetscapes.
Hours later, back at home, I forgot it was colour C-41 film in the camera and just as I was about to start pouring in the B&W developer I realized my imminent mistake. I had no colour developer in the house but I remember reading I could develop this film with B&W chemicals. I just needed to do a bit of research to learn how.
An hour later I had these images hanging, drying in my studio. The negatives were dense, very, very dense. But my scanner was up to the task and I am delighted with the way both my day and these images turned out.