Another of my on-going double exposure on film project. Here Nella is helping me. I was using my vintage Rolleiflex TLR in the studio with Nella then I rewound the film, put it back in the camera and took a stroll through our garden.
Frame alignment with this old camera is not ideal but it I think it worked out fine.
My local camera shop talked me into buying a couple of rolls of Lomo "Lady Grey" ISO 400 film. I decided to use these here. I am not sure I see much advantage to this film over an Ilford film I would normally have used. I developed the film with Ilfosol3 1:9, 7 minutes for the first roll, 8 minutes for the second. The film was very "thin" but still useable. I am not sure if it was too short a time in the developer or if I under exposed the film but the scanner brought back all the density I needed.