Part of an ongoing project where I double expose a roll of film with one of my vintage cameras, once with a model (in this case Sarah) then after rewinding the film I take it for a walk in a forest or the beach. (sometimes I do this in the other order, there is no magic to it).
Here I used my Rolleiflex TLR and a roll of expired (2012) FujiChrome. I had a lovely session in my make-shift studio with Rae then after rewinding the film I took a stroll through our local ravine to take the second exposures.
I cross-processed the FujiChrome as though it was regular B&W film with Ilfosol3 (1:14, 9 minutes, 20C). Scanned with a Nikon Coolscan 9000. The negative is very dense doing this but it scanned well.